The Amazing Chobe

Chobe giraffe Gerhard MairweckShadreck shares his passion for Chobe National Park on his trip to Botswana on the BTa14 Botswana Wild Parks tour.

Chobe National park is one of the most amazing national parks in Southern Africa.  There are few places that rival the density of wildlife and birdlife, it is such a rich game viewing experience. To the North east lies the Chobe river which completely makes this park a paradise to wild animals for sure. In the middle of the river is an island called Sidudu. This island green throughout the whole year and so animals aggregate in huge numbers to enjoy the palatable green grasses and other aquatic plants.

As we were cruising along this Island, our eyes searching for birds, hippos and crocodiles, a male Jacana just appeared from nowhere with three chicks.  How cool!  An amazing phenomenon where by the male raise the chicks while the mother looks for another male to mate.  T there is nothing cuter than seeing these tiny little chicks with massive feet.

We were lucky to see Elephant snorkelling with their bodies completely submerged in water with only their gasping for air as they swam towards us. The giraffes were splaying their front legs on the shores of the river negotiating their way down to reach the water and there were baboons and impalas minding their own business foraging for food in the last minutes of their day time before the sun sets.

I LOVE Chobe National Park and all it has to offer.

Chobe Elephants Ariane Helmbrecht